Online marketing is a wide topic. These are all activities performed via the Internet to promote a given company and its activities. They are also all activities that allow you to customize the products and services they offer to current customer expectations and market requirements. Many entrepreneurs are wondering what marketing services to choose in 2019. Thinking about all these people, we have prepared the following article. We invite you to read!
Google Ads is a paid advertising system created by an American Internet tycoon. Independent advertisements are created in it and key words are selected in such a way that they are as much as possible tailored to the company’s business profile. This system also allows you to display sponsored links in search results and on partner websites. Advertisements appear to those Internet users who currently search online for information on products related to the company’s profile.
This results in high efficiency of this type of online advertising, because they are primarily given to those who are interested in purchasing the products and services. An additional advantage of Google Ads (formerly Google Adwords) is the fact that its marketing activities are easy to estimate in terms of costs and their effectiveness.
Another digital marketing service, which in 2019 plays an extremely important role is positioning. Industry experts point out that positioning and proper website optimization is one of the best marketing techniques. Unfortunately, a large number of enterprises still do not realize this and can not use positioning in a proper way. The main goal of positioning is to make the website belonging to us as high as possible in the search results for selected keywords.
It is a marketing service that over time passes customers to us in a passive way. What is gaining thanks to the high position of the page in the search engine? First of all, our site is more recognizable and the chances of expanding the group of clients significantly increase. It is worth knowing that the vast majority of Internet users enter only the first few websites after entering the phrase in the search engine. The high position in the search results clearly translates into an increase in the number of customers at the same time. To position your website, you can use online marketing services operating on the market of specialized external companies or perform them yourself based on knowledge of SEO. However, one must remember that positioning is a very long process that requires regularity.
What is E-mail marketing? This is the most brief use of e-mail for marketing purposes. We use it to communicate with clients, create special mailing bases, prepare dedicated content for existing contractors, and encourage potential customers to choose our offer. Carefully planned activities in the field of e-mail marketing make us build stable relationships with our clients based on mutual trust.
When designing e-mail marketing campaigns, remember to not send unwanted messages (SPAM) to your clients. Activities of this type must be planned, and address bases should be obtained in accordance with the principles of Polish law. If we act differently, we may lose the trust of customers and other people whose privacy is compromised.
Nowadays, the vast majority of Internet users have an account on at least one social networking site. At the moment the most popular portal is Facebook, which almost 2 billion people use in the world. It therefore has the largest user base. Each person who has an account on this website voluntarily provides a number of information about himself (name, interests, education, etc.). These are data that marketers can use in many ways.
Facebook created a system under the name Facebook Ads – thanks to it, you can create marketing campaigns targeted at a specific group of recipients. We can choose their sex, age, place of residence, occupation and other parameters. User segmentation is not everything. Facebook also allows the freedom of presentation of your content – the advertiser can use classic photo posts, videos, animations from photos or so-called carousels from several posts.
Depending on the company’s profile, you can also try to create a profile in other social media – Instagram, YouTube or Twitter. The first of these is particularly effective in the case of restaurants or personal trainers.
The Internet is playing an increasingly important role in the life of every human being. That is why it is so important to use its capabilities in building the company’s position. The marketing services described above will certainly increase the company’s revenue and deepen positive customer relationships.